How to Lose Weight When Your Routine Changes


When our routines change it can feel like healthy habits are out of reach. Here’s how to lose weight no matter your life phase you are in.

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A Woman Picks Up Her Kid From School While Maintaining Healthy Weight Loss Habits

Let’s be real — who doesn’t want to feel a little lighter and healthier? But life’s curveballs (new babies, jam-packed schedules, empty nests) can shake up our routines and make healthy habits feel out of reach. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Learn how to shed those unwanted pounds no matter your life phase and how GLP-1 medications (like semaglutide) can help if you need extra support.

New Moms: Rediscovering You After Baby

Between diaper changes and playdates, caring for yourself might take a backseat. But you deserve to feel your very best. Here’s how to gently ease back into your groove and achieve your weight loss goals:

  • Nourish to Flourish: Think vibrant veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats — the fuel you need to rock motherhood. Ditch the processed stuff (they are sky-high in calories) and stock up on easy-to-grab snacks for a quick refuel in those on-the-go moments.
  • Keep it Moving! We know workouts might not be top of mind, but even short bursts of activity (think stroller walks or park playtime) can work wonders for weight loss, boost your mood, and rev up your energy.
  • Catch Those Zzz’s: Sleep deprivation can mess with your appetite and metabolism. Aim for 7-8 hours of shut-eye whenever possible. If not, sneak in a 20-minute power nap to help you recharge.
  • Drink Up! Water is your weight loss sidekick — it curbs hunger, helps with digestion, and keeps you feeling energized. Herbal teas and fruit-infused water add a fun twist, too, if you don’t like to drink water by itself.

Busy Parents: Juggling Kids, Hectic Schedules & Healthy Habits

Juggling school activities, work, and everything else can feel like a marathon. But here’s how to sneak in some healthy habits:

  • Plan and Prep Your Meals: Set aside some time to plan and prep meals for the week. Pre-cut veggies and portion out snacks — your future self will thank you! It’ll save you time and make healthy choices easier.
  • Sneak in Movement: It can be hard to find time to exercise when you have school drop-offs, sports practice, and errands. Take the stairs, walk during your lunch break, or do a quick workout while the kids are at practice. These small bursts of movement can add up.
  • Stress Less: Stress can lead to unhealthy cravings and emotional eating. The next time you feel overwhelmed, try yoga or meditation to keep stress in check.
  • Find Your Cheer Squad: Team up with your bestie, spouse, or another parent for support and motivation along your journey. If you don’t have anyone who lives nearby, join a virtual group (like our Facebook page) to inspire and help keep you on track. 

Empty Nesters: Embracing Your Next Chapter with Health & Happiness

With the kids out of the house, it’s your time to shine! Let’s make this next decade the healthiest one yet:

  • Reimagine Your Routine: Embrace this time to create a routine that prioritizes you. Explore activities you put on hold when raising kids. Try that golf league you’ve always wanted to join or learn how to play pickleball — this is your chance to have fun and get fit.
  • Give Me Strength: Strength training becomes even more crucial as we age for maintaining muscle mass and a healthy metabolism. Red Mountain’s Fitness Expert, Anita Terlizzi, has created dozens of workouts to help you build more strength and a more active lifestyle. 
  • Focus on Portion Control: Your metabolism naturally slows down with age, making it harder to burn as many calories. Adjust your portion sizes, use smaller plates, and listen to your body’s hunger cues to recognize when you’re full.
  • Prioritize Your Health: Age-related conditions can impact your weight loss efforts. Work with your doctor to address any health concerns that might affect your weight loss, such as thyroid issues or hormonal imbalances. This can help you stay on track for success.

GLP-1 Medications: Your Secret for Long-Term Success

Sometimes, just trying to eat healthier and workout isn’t enough to reach your weight goal. That is where GLP-1 weight loss medications (like semaglutide) can make a real difference. GLP-1, or glucagon-like peptide-1, is a natural hormone produced in your gut. It is crucial in regulating your appetite, blood sugar levels, and digestion. GLP-1 medications work in several ways to help you achieve your weight loss goals:

  • Tame Your Appetite: Ever feel like you could eat a whole pizza? GLP-1 meds can help you feel full faster, so you’re less likely to overeat.
  • Slow and Steady Wins the Race: These meds also slow down how quickly your stomach empties, which means you stay feeling satisfied for longer.
  • Blood Sugar Balance: Bye-bye, energy crashes and cravings! GLP-1 medications can help keep your blood sugar stable, so you’re less likely to reach for that sugary snack.

But Wait, There’s More! It’s not just about the number on the scale. GLP-1 weight loss medications have some awesome bonus benefits:

  • Improved Health Markers: Studies show these meds can improve cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and even reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Easier Lifestyle Changes: GLP-1s can help you stick to healthy eating habits for the long haul by making it easier to control your appetite and cravings.
  • Boosted Confidence: Feeling good in your own skin can make a world of difference, and reaching your weight loss goals is a powerful way to achieve that.

Your Semaglutide Journey Starts at Red Mountain Weight Loss®

At Red Mountain, we are all about personalized care and support. Our team will work with you to create a plan for success that includes: 

  • Nutrition Support: Make healthier food choices with a diet plan based on your health, your lifestyle, and your weight loss goals.
  • Behavior Modifications: We’ll teach you how to manage stress, overcome emotional eating patterns, and build a positive relationship with food.
  • Ongoing Support. We’re here for you at every step to offer guidance, motivation, and inspiration to keep you on track.

Curious about how a GLP-1 medication like semaglutide fits in your weight loss journey? Book an appointment today with Red Mountain. We’ll answer all your questions and help you make informed decisions about your health.

Stephanie Bray

Let's Do This


Don’t let your weight hold you back. Your guided journey begins here. Book your consultation today.

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