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1. “It’s too hard”
Yes, weight loss is hard – that’s why we’re here for you! Weight loss takes time, patience, strength, and a lot of willpower, but it’s completely doable. If you want something bad enough, you can achieve it.

2. “I’m too busy”
Cooking a dinner of grilled chicken and broccoli takes about as much time as waiting in the drive-thru if you also calculate in the drive time. While lives can and do get busy, making things hard, losing weight takes little extra time that is so worth it. Changing your lifestyle is all about making positive life changes, like listening to an audiobook during an afternoon walk instead of curling up on the couch to watch television, or prepping all of your meals for the week on Sunday instead of relying on fast food in the middle of the work day to get you through.

3. “It won’t work for me, I’ve tried everything”
Claiming that a diet doesn’t work is like saying that leggings aren’t completely acceptable apparel for any occasion – of course they are! wink Dieting works work when you are committed! Having a salad once every couple of weeks won’t do much, but eating consistent balanced meals is scientifically proven to help you lose weight. It’s all about improving your way of life, and with that you’re eating habits will follow.

4. “I love junk food too much”
You probably also love to sleep in, but you still force yourself to get up every morning, right? If you never got up in the mornings you’d be depriving yourself of the chance to enjoy your day to the fullest. The same goes for eating healthy: if you don’t nourish your body properly, you’re not only depriving yourself of the feeling of being energized, you’re putting yourself at risk of dangerous health conditions as well.

5. “I just gain it all back”
Maintenance is key when it comes to weight loss. Many people think that once they hit their “goal weight” that they’ve reached the end of the road, but that’s not quite the case. Healthy living shouldn’t be a phase, it should be a lifestyle – and that’s what we try to instill in our patients with the #RedMountainWeightLossWay.

6. “Eating healthy is too expensive”
Healthy living doesn’t have to be expensive if you shop smart. By stocking your fridge full of seasonal fruits and vegetables instead of fruit snacks, you may actually be saving yourself money in the long-run. Also, wholesome foods tend to fill you up more quickly, meaning you’ll actually end up eating less than if you were to fill yourself up on snack food items.

7. “I don’t have a good support system”
Of course you do, you’re here, aren’t you? Not only is the entire RedMountain Weight Loss staff rooting for you, so are other patients. With the internet being so accessible, support is all around; check our social media pages! Connect with fellow patients to ask questions and share your story, or even just simply follow us for daily recipes, motivation, and more! You don’t need to join expensive support groups or force your friends and family into healthy living (though that’s not a bad idea) to feel supported. You have everything you need right at your fingertips, you just need to look for it.

8. “I’m always going to be bigger because of my genetics”
True, some people are genetically more inclined to harbor excess fat, however this should not deter you. People of all shapes and sizes have had successful weight loss journeys, and you can too! Everyone’s different and some may lose weight faster than others, but that’s no reason to be discouraged; Your health is worth the struggle.

9. “I don’t know where to start”
Well, you’ve taken the first step by seeking out advice! Healthy living is a lifestyle, and we understand that it can become overwhelming – that’s why RedMountain Weight Loss has a team of trained medical professionals to put you on the right path.

10. “I have more important things to focus on”
There are few things more important in life than your own health. If you’re not in top shape, you may not even be able to complete the tasks that are “more important,” making this excuse quite the Catch-22.

Please don’t forget we understand, and luckily excuses don’t have to be permanent. We’re here for you, it’s time to stop wishing and start doing because we know you can do it!


Let's Do This


Don’t let your weight hold you back. Your guided journey begins here. Book your consultation today.

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