Look More Toned with These Tips

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No matter how close you are to your optimal weight, “problem areas” can still occur. Learn how to target unwanted fat, eliminate stretch marks & tone your body with these simple tips.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Fuel your body with a balance of lean protein, healthy fat, non-starchy vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to keep you energized! This will help to maintain or even boost your metabolism,  keeping fat off and promoting a more toned appearance.

“A good nutrition principle for those not following a medical weight loss program is to emphasize a 40/30/30 balance in your daily intake of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Following this breakdown of nutrients ensures that you are sustaining energy, supporting muscle development & recovery, & more.”

Dr. Suzanne Bentz, D.O.
Founder & Chief Medical Officer

Stay Hydrated

Since our muscles are mostly water, it is important to maintain hydration to promote visible muscle tone (growth). In fact, muscle breakdown is an effect of dehydration! As a medical practice, we suggest drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water per day (8 cups), or half of your body weight in ounces (ex. 200 lbs = 100 oz water)

Combine Cardio with Weight Lifting*

A common misconception is that lifting weights will result in an unattractive, “bulky” appearance. Actually, coupling a cardio regimen with resistance exercises actually allows the body to burn more calories throughout the day!

Want to work out, but don’t know where to start? Try this at-home workout, self-paced exercise routine from Anita Terlizzi, Fitness Expert & Personal Trainer:

Crazy 8s

Set your timer for 8 minutes. You will complete 8 reps for each 8 exercises. After you have finished, go through the circuit again. It’s fast and fun!


Body weight squats

High Knees



Bicycle Crunches

Mountain Climbers

Jumping Jacks

Tricep Dips (off of a chair/coffee table)


*Always consult with a licensed medical professional before beginning a workout routine. RM3® patients should reference their guidebooks for guidelines regarding physical activity while in the weight loss window.  

Target Problem Areas with Body Contouring

Body contouring treatments are non-invasive procedures which reduce stubborn, unwanted fat, to help contour and shape the body. These treatments are best for those close to their desired weight and wish to target specific areas.

Patients may be recommended one of the following based on their desired outcome, current weight, and area of concern:


This treatment may be of interest to patients looking to eliminate fat in the hips, abdomen, thighs, upper arms, or back.

Using a technology called Cryolipolysis™, unwanted fat in the hips, abdomen, thighs, upper arms, or back are targeted & frozen. Resultingly, targeted fat becomes “injured,” & triggers the body’s natural healing mechanisms. As such, the fat cells affected by the CoolSculpting® procedure are eliminated over time as the body works to replace the injured cells.

CoolSculpting® patients are generally recommended a treatment plan consisting of multiple treatments over a period of time. Improvements can be seen within 4 weeks of treatment; the most dramatic results can be expected within 2-4 months. However, the body will continue to naturally eliminate targeted fat cells for up to 6 months.                

Venus Legacy™

This treatment may be of interest to patients looking to tighten sagging skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Venus Legacy™ uses multi-polar radio frequency, pulsed electromagnetic fields, and VariPulse™ technology to apply a dense heat matrix to the body’s surface. During this process, the body’s natural healing process is triggered to contract & tighten collagen in the skin, thus combating wrinkles, reducing cellulite, and invoking fat reduction in the treatment area.

Common treatment areas include the face, neck, abdomen, arms, & thighs. Patients may see improvement after the first session, but optimal results are seen after 6-10 sessions.


Ideal CoolTone™ candidates are patients who have achieved a healthy weight. They are committed to an active lifestyle, but would like to quickly achieve a more sculpted look.  

CoolTone™ uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) technology: a method of targeting muscle groups through ultra-rapid contractions. This is medically-proven to strengthen the body’s muscle fibers in a way that exercise alone cannot achieve. Through this process, patients can achieve a firmer, more toned appearance in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

Schedule your FREE, no-obligation consultation today if you are interested in body contouring or would like to hear more from a Master-level body contouring specialist.


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